Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ever wanted a piercing that breaks the usual mold??

Hey guys!

There is a style of piercing that I didn't quite touch on last time. Strategically named, Dermal Anchoring, is an elaborate procedure.

Dermal anchoring is, like i stated before, a type of piercing. It is not your typical one however. It is a piercing that only has an entrance hole and no exit. Confusing...i know! It is much like a surface piercing. It is pierced and the special jewelry stays inside the skin so the only thing that is visible is the ball.

The top part of the jewelry is unscrewable and that is how you can change the appearance of it.

The piercing itself starts out like getting any other piercing. But half way through, instead of the needle going completely through skin, the needle pierces the skin half way through then it is quickly taken out and the jewelry is placed in. The thin flat part with the holes (as pictured above) is the part that is inserted into the skin and the flat top part (in the picture above) is that jewelry that is shown above the skin.

Dermal anchoring is a fairly new procedure that alot of piercing shops just recently adopted. It is an alternative for getting a surface piercing. While the rejection rate is fairly lower then a surface piercing, the only way to take out a dermal anchor after its healed is to scalpel it out of the skin. I know that sounds kind of intense but it is actually a really great revelation in the piercing world.

Here is an example of what a dermal anchor looks like! Like in this picture, dermal anchors do have the possibility to reject, especially in an area as easily irritated as the finger!
Well guys I hope this kind of open your mind to something new today!
XoXo, B


Anonymous said...

Wow, this sounds intense! You have to scapll your skin to get it removed!!It's really interesting though I did not know about this new procedure. I knew about surface piercings, but never about this. Thanks, I learned something new, and hopefully I keep learning new things about body art, since I'm debating to get a tattoo, maybe you'll convince me. =)

morenita said...

I agree that does sound pretty intense I don't even want to think about the removing of the piercing it must hurt really bad. This type of piercing is new to me I have never heard about it but it looks nice. i personally would not get any piercings other than my ears because i had pierced my belly like 3 times but it kept getting infected so i decided to remove it because it hurt really bad, but you are a brave girl to have all this different types of piercings and trying new things thats cool

Felicia Ong said...

That sounds painful! Especially when they shove in the anchor. But I agree, body art is addicting. If only our parents understood! Haha.